Company Medical Director/Consultant

In order to address WC issues on a general and company-wide scale, we assign physicians experienced in the field of occupational medicine and other specialties to work closely as a team with your HR or risk management department to provide expert opinion and advice on individual cases, set up medical surveillance programs, perform toxicology exposure analyses and workplace health studies, create monitoring and industrial hygiene programs, as well as review work injury policies and procedures. This physician becomes your company’s medical director or consultant as part of your team.
Tele-Medical Consultant/Time Zero Management™

With the advance of information technology, medical consultation can now reach remote areas and under served areas where previously unfeasible. Through telehealth and imaging technologies, we are able to provide triage and treat work injuries when they happen on-site. We provide both basic first aid advice for minor problems and tele-medicine for certain cases by our licensed providers. This service is an on-call 24/7 operation to serve all work shifts in order to provide medical attention immediately.
Customized Physician Network

For any locations where employees work, we search, identify, and orient medical providers locally to assist providers to make better medical and case decisions based on objective facts. This network of providers becomes your own value added customized network. We also provide assistance to providers on a visit-by-visit basis through a peer to peer communication in order to gain in depth understanding of cases. Our Compvidence Network™ has been successfully set up for many companies across the US and internationally.

Case Review
We provide detailed reviews of medical and injury cases to determine causation and treatment appropriateness by collecting missing data and pertinent medical evidence as well as analyze and interpret the information. We provide medical experts who have years of experience to help render fairer and more objective medical opinions so that companies and their insurers can more efficiently resolve these cases.

Another challenging area that can adversely affect a company’s productivity is loss-time related to sick-leaves. We assist medical providers across the US to objectively and fairly conduct return-to-work medical evaluations based on objective information to ensure the employees’ safety and health before they return to the workforce from an illness. We communicate with evaluating medical providers about safety issues, employee’s job description, and employer’s industry and workplace.
On-Site Services

For companies with a large number of employees in one single location, it makes perfect sense from a cost perspective to consider an on-site medical clinic staffed by experienced medical personnel to provide first aid and case management for injury and medical cases. We have successfully set up on-site clinics and medical teams especially for the oil refineries. In addition to being readily accessible to your employees, these clinics can also provide drug/alcohol testing, physicals, and other special services. We provide a direct medical supervision on all services provided on-site.

Contracted Networks
We have nationally contracted networks of imaging centers including MRI, CT, ultrasound, and XR facilities as well as physical therapy and rehab centers to better serve your employees based on their residence and workplace. Again, we provide direct coordination, communication, and supervision of all services provided to ensure a high quality or care.

Administrative Services
We also provide administrative services in your HR and risk management department, recommend legal counsels, and provide bill review especially for large hospital and ER bills. The purpose of these services is to make your HR department more efficient and cost effective.

Safety & Prevention
We provide on-site and off-site safety and injury prevention programs according to the employers industry and needs in order to promote health and decrease frequency of injury. These programs include ergonomic assessments, functional capacity evaluations, pre-employment testing, as well as drug and alcohol testing. We also provide on-site safety professionals to promote safety and reduce work accidents.